Sports & Games

Our Camp aims to support the promotion of sports, games and the importance of getting active. Included in our sports and games package is an exposure to multi-facted games and sports, athletics and gymnastics. Our skilled and experienced staff will provide activities specifically aimed to have fun while also improving physical literacy, motor skills and promoting team work among children of all ages.

List of Sports and Games

  • Gaelic Football
  • Soccer
  • Tag Rugby
  • Rounders (Both Versions)
  • Basketball
  • Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) activities
  • Bench ball
  • Dodge ball
  • Uni-hoc
  • Ultimate Frisbee
  • Athletics- Throwing, Running, Catching and Jumping
  • Gymnastics
  • Parachute Games
  • Badminton
  • Skipping
  • Co-Operative Games
  • Tennis
  • Obstacle Courses
  • Time Trials
  • Kin Ball and Spike Ball

Other sports and games may be included upon request.